Curiosity - Social Space
Newton Abott, Devon
Interior Design - Commercial
Curiosity is a versatile social space designed to address loneliness, particularly in rural areas like Newton Abbot. It caters to young people aged 16-25, offering therapy options and social interaction opportunities.
Inspired by brain function, Curiosity's zones range from quieter, therapy-focused spaces on the lower floors to more social areas higher up. This design reflects the progression of character development, fostering a sense of curiosity and gradual reintegration into social activities.
The building's interconnectedness symbolises the brain's communication network, mirroring its functions. Color is used strategically to reinforce the brain concept and its psychological impact on users.
In this project, I explored Vectorworks 3D and Photoshop. While the final design may not have been executed as effectively as I hoped, the playful concept was easily envisioned.